It's easy (ha!) to fall into the path of least resistance. Reaching for the same clothes again and again. Skipping parts of the beauty routine that seem to take up time and effort. Doing the same things all the time. Things that are familiar and cozy.
The thing is - Glam takes time. It takes effort. It means stepping outside your comfort zone and trying different things. This is part of what makes it so elusive yet so sought after. The very basis of it is a big deal.
The problem with it being such a big deal is that it seems unattainable. The effort, the expenditure and the time all seem to be out of reach, making the idea of staying in that comfort zone just that much more appealing. The funny thing was when I first started to glam up, I felt the same way, but as I added different things to my routine, they became easier and seemed to take less time. Once they became normal, they weren't as big a deal any more.
The one thing to remember throughout all of this is that you are worth the effort. You are worth the time. You are worth the money. Putting back into yourself makes you feel better and look better... which leads to better self worth and the cycle continues, building your self-confidence and self-worth. On the flipside - if you think you aren't worth the time, effort and money or you can't be bothered, you run the risk of devaluing yourself - which again can continue in a cycle. Been there, done that and have the t-shirts to prove it. It's not a fun place to be.
Glamour is all about challenging yourself every day to be the best you can be... and being the best is never easy, but it is attainable no matter who you are.

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